Ep. 7: Indigenous Mutual Aid: One Year of Pandemic Response & Organizing

Indigenous Mutual Aid frontline organizers share their experiences and thoughts from a year of being on the ground in their communities responding to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Indigenous Mutual Aid frontline organizers share their experiences and thoughts from a year of being on the ground in their communities responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our host Klee (Kinłani Mutual Aid) and guests Little Wind & Mesiah (Regeneration on the Reservation), Han (Red Sleeves Anti-Colonial Action), and Bearcat (ABQ Autonomous Mutual Aid) discuss what Indigenous Mutual Aid is (and isn’t), challenges, and organizing in the next year and beyond.
Han, Red Sleeves ACA
Red Sleeves ACA is a small autonomous affinity group serving unsheltered refugees during the pandemic of settler colonialism in so-called Northern New Mexico. We distribute personal hygiene kits, emergency handwashing stations, showers, hand sanitizer, masks, food, water, sleeping gear, clothing, temporary shelter, cooling/heating relief, and first aid. We lovingly do this work out of a camp setting as we refuse to participate (as much as possible) in our own genocide and perpetuate settler colonialism or capitalism another moment. Until capitalism is no more and the story of civilization disappears from the hearts of the people, we rage, build, and move towards freedom.
linktr.ee/RedSleevesACA, redsleevesaca@protonmail.com
Jenn Bearcat (she/her): Newe-Numa (Tosa Wihi) from Doka Badee, so-called Northern Nevada currently residing in Albuquerque, NM. She’s a 3rd generation land defender with a healthy respect for a diversity of tactics and a healthy distrust of the state. She contributes to a network of organizers and frontline defenders confronting issues surrounding colonization.
Little Wind & Mesiah, Regeneration on the Reservation
We are a two-spirit couple on the Wind River Reservation home to The Northern Arapaho and Earth Shoshone. We are focused on long-term solutions to restore our homelands by regenerating our soil and cleaning our water. Our goal is to remind our people of our power and what is possible when we show up for our healing and each other.
Klee @kleebenally
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About the podcast: Welcome to Indigenous Action where we dig deep into critical issues impacting our communities throughout Occupied America/Turtle Island. This is an autonomous anti-colonial broadcast with unapologetic and claws-out analysis towards total liberation. So take your seat by this fire and may the bridges we burn together, light our way.
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